Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 days of Hell & Western Union

I have recently setup one of my rooms in my 3 bedroom house to accommodate models / porn stars that come in from out of state and want somewhere to stay that costs less than a motel. This helps them by saving money, we get a little extra money, and it helps with making sure the model gets up for the shoot. This is a fairly new setup. We had a few models and their manager come out from Florida and everything was fine.

So we were talking with a model from Vegas who was with us about 4 years ago. She wants to come out for a week, work, and return home. We knew this model was going to be a handful with the stipulations she was laying down before she came out here.

First she said she only wanted to work with good looking young white males or white females. Couldn't deviate from that, we said ok. Then she wanted to only work with big companies and nothing with the word "Teen" in it (this coming from someone who lied about her age initially), we said ummm ok. Lastly she called again and said she only wants to work for companies with a makeup artist because she doesn't want to have to do her makeup everyday. We told her that's not going to work. We can try to put you with the talent you request but while this IS porn, it IS a job. You can't expect to get paired up with someone you might date or have a crew of people to pamper you on every shoot.. She told me her reputation is on the line and feels doing "Teen" style vids would hurt her image. We asked if she wants to make money, she said yes, we will try our best.

The model comes into the office and right away I recognize her. Years ago after the AVN awards (Vegas), her and I hooked up from about 2am to 5:00am. She was a lot of fun but really nutty. I thought to myself "This ought to be interesting." Little did I know that was putting it kindly.

So we're driving to my house and I decide to stop at 7-11 to pick up some beer (surprise I know). We get in and she is already complaining to me about her boyfriend. How he was all for her coming out here and working to support them both and know he's calling her names and being 2 faced about it. I tell her "That's to bad. You either gotta be fine with it all or none of it." I crack open a beer, put the TV on, and proceed to enjoy a quiet Monday after work.

She looks over at me and asks if she can have a beer and I tell her "Of course". She cracks it open as I step outside to smoke. After 3 minutes I come back in to her setting an empty can down and letting a huge burp rip. I paused and asked if she already finished that. She replies "Yes. Can I have another?"

Fast forward an hour (and many beers) and she is on the phone outside, talking to her boyfriend, crying. She gets off the phone and proceeds to vent and be upset. I give her some comforting words, tell her it's going to be ok. That her man just has feelings for her and feels threatened by her working. She says thanks and we go inside. She's still pretty bummed so we pull up YouTube and start watching Stand Up Comedy. We both start laughing our asses off and it seems like all is well and normal.

Now it's getting late and we are both pretty buzzed. It's about that time. This girl is now starring at me more than the show we are watching. I look at her and ask "Are we feeling better?" She nods and starts rubbing my leg. I tell her it's time I go to bed and she pulls me on top of her (she's in a computer chair mind you). After she almost fell over on her dome and reverse grinded me, I bring her to the couch (something stable) and tell her I'm crashing. She jumps on top of me and asks "Don't you want me?" I reply "What about your boyfriend?" She just smiles and proceeds to insinuate everything that happened that night.

Next morning I wake up and go to work. The model comes in after lunch with one of our drivers (first time we have used him). We give her all the info for her shoot and off she goes after giving me a naughty smile. Work was standard at the office. Later that day I'm at home and the she comes rolling in at 12:30am when the shoot finished at 9. I made the mistake of asking her how her day and shooting went.

First she starts in with how the driver is nicest guy in the world and how he really cares about how she is feeling, took her everywhere she wanted to go.... just a great guy. Then she starts going off that the guy she worked with was not white. Honestly the guy she was with is like 1/4 latino. Lastly, she starts ripping into the agency and who works there. She says she has heard that we don't care about the model at all, all we are interested in is the money and we will book models for jobs they don't even want to do. I look at her and say "So what your telling me is the driver who has never been in the office until today and has not been involved in the business at all, knew all this about us and told you this?" She looks at me in amazement because I figured out who was saying that. LOL There were only two people in her story, it wasn't that hard. She starts begging me not fire the driver and all this shit. I tell her OK just to get her off my case. She starts slandering our agency with information she got from this driver. I lost it.

I started yelling at her (not a the top of my lungs but me yelling is very rare indeed). Telling her she does not know what the fuck she is talking about. That she had all these stipulations before even coming out here and all you do is complain before and after each scene. I proceeded to go through everything she requested and complained about, which I was hoping it would "sink in" and make her realize she has been a bit to much of a princess. She looks right at me, gives me a retarded disgusted look, and says "Whatever". She starts in with how we made her cry over the phone. I explain to her that she called us 4 times before her shoot to complain about the same stuff over and over again but still wanted to do the shoot. We simply told her you either do the job or don't. I then tell her how I've seen her cry 4 times since she arrived yesterday just in general and from talking to her boyfriend. "So you are obviously very emotional and it's not just us."

So at this point this model owes us money. She came out here with $15 to her name. We paid a driver to pick her up at LAX, bought her food a couple times, paid for her STD test, and she is staying at my place for cheaper than any place you could find. This is why she started with the "all you care about is money". She knew after this job she would have to pay us for everything we sprung for. We're not asking for a payment plus interest. Just what we put out to get her out here and working. She tells me that she needs to send money to her boyfriend in Vegas who would have no place to stay tomorrow if he did not get anything by tomorrow. So I'm thinking they are behind on rent and last thing I want is anyone to be booted from their home. In the end I volunteered to go to Western Union for her (ain't I nice) and send her boy money if she endorses her check to us. We will take what we are owed, send what you want us to send to your man, and I'll bring you what's leftover. She tells me to send everything to her man. I ask her how she plans on eating while she is out here. I get "I don't know." I tell her fine but don't come to me to buy you anything... I can't afford it. She says ok and then asks me if I have a fresh full towel, hand towel, and wash rag. I ask "You need a new SET of towels everyday?" She looks at me like I'm the crazy one. I tell her that there are still 2 towels on the couch in room from yesterday... have at it. I go to bed.

So it's the next day and I'm about to leave work. I google western union and find a place that does that right across the street. I go in and the teller tells me that they just merged with another bank and they're computers have not been updated with western union yet (remember that simple statement). I go to my car and start looking up other locations on my blackberry. I call one and the guy hangs up on me when I ask their cross streets. The other never answered. I call the model and tell her why the place across the street could not do it but I am working on it. I told her why they could not 3 times. She responds" Well.... I don't understand. YOU should have it done by now." I tell her again I'm working on it and hang up. My buddy suggested 7-11 but turns out they only do money orders. So I go to my buddies house, log onto his laptop, and find out I can do it online if I have a bank account / credit card. Sweet!

I log onto their site which is so slow it's pathetic (go ahead and try it). It takes me about 20 minutes to type in my info and wait for each page to load. At the end they start asking security questions and have info on me I find kinda scary. One of the questions was along the lines of "In 2001 you purchased a vehicle. Which loan company did you go with?" I go through these with the last asking for my phone number. I type in my cell and the next window says I have to call them for security reasons. I get them on the phone and tell me all my information is fine but I need a LAN line phone number for verification on my name. I tell them my cell phone is in my name and they say that a cell would not work. I need to go to a branch office. So I look up another location. Sweet! it's only .4 miles away. Well the address turns out to be an AM/PM and they don't do it either. So my buddy and I are just cruising around looking for that yellow sign anywhere we can find it. We come across a liquor store with that sign.

I walk into this dirty store and there is some lady in sweats at the counter twitchin and shit. Oh great I think. She gets her change and starts walking off. I ask the tenant if they send money through western union. The lady that was walking away turns around lit up asking "How much money you collectin'?" I tell her I am sending. She again asks how much am I getting. The tenant says HE'S SENDING. She comes back over, sets her purse on the counter, and proceeds to tell us a story none of us care about regarding her experiences with sending money through other services. Tells me she'll make it quick, meanwhile there are people behind me waiting. 3 minutes later she is the only one laughing at her story and then decides to mosey on out.

The tenant points to an extremely dingy looking "western union" phone that is on the other side of the counter. "Just pick up the phone and talk with them." So I go through all the info that I had to go through on their website. At the end of it all, they ask me for my CELL number for verification. WTF?

I call the model and let her know it's down. She tells me she'll call her boy at Circus Circus to tell him. Circus Circus! The guy has been casino-ing it up and this was the emergency? Bah! After all this the model decided to stay at the house of the person shooting her the next day. She shoots for them and then the director calls us to inform us that all she did was talk shit about us the entire time. We were ready to pull her from our agency but decided we would let her work the jobs so her and we can make some money. Well after that shooting she used her money to buy a bus ticket back to Vegas. Good Riddance!

So ya.... this is my first blog up here. Hopefully more to come. Some of my friends find it funny that I could get with a hot chick but say it was a nightmare. Hopefully this small novel (where I did leave some unimportant things she complained about and asked me to do) will shed some light on what I have gone through. Oh ya! Fuck Western Union too!. It's obsolete! If either of these people had a bank account, it would have been a lot easier.


  1. That was priceless!

  2. In vegas western union is at all the casino's. Take in mind that most people live in weekly apt's and 99 percent of everyone from there are up to something shday!Wow what a story. I lived in vegas for years and cant believe you would even hire anybody from that shady place! But Business is Business!

    I have only heard good reviews about your company....

  3. Hahaha!! Man, there is just drama everywhere in the industry, huh?
