Thursday, December 2, 2010

Keeping it in the family

It was summer time and all had been good. I was in my mid 20s and loving my life. We were kicking ass at work and taking names over the weekend.

There was this girl who was 21. Brunette, slim, nice boobs, and had a little cherry tat on her lower stomach. She had been with us for a few months. She always seemed sane, nothing out of the ordinary. She would come in, take care of business, talk with us a little and be on her way. Same deal with the phone calls. This slowly changed over the next few days. She would make a point to come over to my desk and talk with me for awhile with some flirting. Then the phone calls started with her calling just to flirt. "Right on", I thought. A hot looking girl who has always been very nice is coming on to me all of a sudden. I ask her if she wanted to come over to my house after I get off work for some cocktails and pool time. Her voice got happy and she promptly asked me for my address.

She met me at my house and we started on the vodka pretty much immediately. My roommate (at the time) was drinking with us as well. So we swam, drank, ate dinner, and bullshitted out on the patio deck till the sun had been down and it was getting late. Everything thing seemed fine.

Her and I stroll on into the back and head into my room. I turn around after locking the door and she is right in front of me. Staring at me with a look that made me think "Well.... she definitely wants me but something in that look is something I haven't seen before." I barely got that thought process though when she reached out, grabbed my neck, and slammed my head against the door I had just come through. I remember thinking how cool it was to get with a girl who was dominate in the act instead of the other way around. So we go at it. Going back and forth with who was dominate. Was fun!

I get up and head for the door and ask her if she wanted some water or something. She looks at me seriously (as serious as you can after pounding vodka) and tells me "A long time ago your father got together with mom and had sex. I'm your sister. We are related." What do you say to something like that? My mind was racing around every reason possible why she would say this. I even for 1/2 a second compared her age to how long my parents had been married. Guess that was the booze thinking. So I just came out with it. "Why the fuck would you say something like that?" "Because it's true." she said while smirking at me like she "got me" or something. I stared at her and found she was not joking because she went back to that serious look she had been giving me. "So you just figured you would wait until after we fuck to tell me?" No answer.
I walked out of the room and down the hallway while shutting the doors, almost all the way. I go into the kitchen and drink some water, pondering what the fuck I just got myself into. I never had one problem with her in the office or on set. What snapped? Eh fuck it. It was now 2:30 am on a Wed and knew I was going to be hurting at work. It was time to take care of this.

I approach the hallway door and I can hear footsteps pacing back and forth. I crack the door and peer in to see her walking down the hall away from me, mumbling something. When she turns around she is looking down and didn't see me. I open the door trying to think what to say to her only for that to be brushed aside immediately. As soon as she sees me starting to open the door she drops to the floor and pretends to pass out. Then starts repeating "Why why why?" Crap! I go into my roommates room and after apologizing for waking him up, I tell him he needs to help me with this crazy bitch I just had sex with that is now telling me I'm her brother. He laughs and comes out.
She is still on the floor passed out if you want to call it that. Yet when grab her to pick her up, she starts yelling, cussing, and flailing about until we let go. She is now sitting on the floor just looking at us and won't get up. Eventually we get her to come out to the front on her own will to "smoke a cigarette". After, I tell her she needs to chill in her car and drive home when ready. That I can't have her in my house yelling and talking bullshit about my family. My roomy and I get some water from the fridge and have a couple WTF laughs in the process. We are both about to head back to our bedrooms when we hear yelling from outside.

I open the front door and what do I see? This girl is now on her knees, in the middle of the road, with her arms up in the air, at 3:00 am in the morning yelling to God. "Oh God why why why!? Why doesn't he like me? Please God make him love me!" over and over. Ok this is getting just plain retarded I thought. This girl has sex for her job and yet she decided to flip her lid with me? I bite the bullet and call the girl I had been dating. Told her I fucked up. That I got with this girl, she has gone psychotic, refuses to leave, and I believe has taken up religion.

She arrives and gives her a "Bitch you better get the fuck out of here." She gets into her car and just immediately floors it. Now you gotta realize that my street goes for about 1/5 a mile and then bends sharply to the left. All three of us are watching thinking "Ok.... ok... she's gonna slow down any second." Nope! She makes the left going at what I would guess would be 40-45 mph an hour. We then hear tires screeching followed by brief silence, followed by screeching and then a horrific sounding crash.

Paramedics were called. Restraints were tied down and spit was flying through the air but they picked her up and took her to the hospital. I heard later down the line she lost her license and was trying to get work elsewhere but that didn’t go so well.


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